How You Can Use Private Label Water as a Marketing Tool at Open Houses

Private Label WaterHanding out private label water to guests at your open house will spread brand awareness of your real estate business and help you network with potential clients and other realtors. As visitors enter the home, you can pass out custom water bottles that have your business name on the logo. Guests can enjoy refreshing, cool beverages while the bottles simultaneously market your brand for you since your name will be printed on the labels for all to see.

Designing an Effective Label

While customized water bottles can be excellent advertising tools, they won’t market your brand well if your labels don’t look professional and have the proper information on them. You’ll want to be certain to include the business name and/or logo of your real estate company and to choose a font for the text that is easy to read. You can also add your contact information to the label. By including your phone number or email address, you will make it easy for visitors of your open houses to contact you.

High-Quality Custom Water Bottles

To ensure that the guests who attend your open houses will receive a premium product that is sure to impress, turn to the experienced professionals at Piedmont Springs. We have spent decades helping business owners across the United States market their brands with private label water. We offer our clients exceptionally durable water bottles that come with beautiful, professionally printed labels. Plus, we offer a wide variety of bottle sizes to choose from as well as your choice of spring or purified water. If you would like to learn more about how you can use private label water to market your real estate business, contact Piedmont Springs today.


Custom Label Water Bottles
Leave a lasting impression with eye-catching custom water bottles.
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